Dermatology Services

Specialized care for diagnosing and treating skin conditions in dogs and cats.

Dermatology is a vital aspect of your pet’s overall health. From acute conditions such as hives or external parasites to chronic conditions such as allergies or immunological conditions, our veterinary team can diagnose and treat the underlying problem.

What are the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of bacterial skin infections?

Bacterial skin infections are often caused by wounds, scrapes and/or mosquito bites that have become inflamed. Certain breeds of dogs (e.g. bulldogs, sharpeis) that have many skin folds are also susceptible to skin infections. This is one of the most common reasons why pets are taken to a veterinary hospital. Signs that your dog or cat may be suffering from a bacterial skin infection include: itchiness, pustules, hair loss, crusted skin and dry discharge from the affected area.

What are the causes, symptoms, and treatment for ringworms?

Dogs and cats can get ringworms when they come into contacts with objects, environments or other animals that have been previously infected with ringworms or ringworm spores. The symptoms of ringworms include: circular areas of hair loss throughout the body that can look patchy and may also become inflamed or scab over. Ringworms can also may your pet’s claws brittle and rough. Treatment for ringworm varies per case, but usually includes a mixture of topical ointments and oral medications.

What are the causes and treatment of allergic skin diseases?

In pets, allergic skin diseases are typically inherited, with certain breeds being more susceptible than others. Exposure to allergens (e.g. pollen, mould, dust) can trigger reactions and in dogs, symptoms can become visible between 1 to 3 years of age. Some of the signs that indicate allergic skin disease are: itchiness, rough coat, dry/oily/crusty skin, poor hair growth, diarrhea, flatulence and ear infections. Behaviours such as excessive licking, scratching and rubbing of their groin, ears, feet and other areas are also common signs of skin allergies. Medicated baths, antihistamines, supplements and hypoallergenic diets are some of the treatments for this condition.

What are the causes and treatment for parasitic skin diseases?

These conditions occur when parasites (e.g. Sarcoptes scabei mite) attach to your pet causing several symptoms such as itching, scabs, lesions and hair loss. Pets of all ages and breeds can be vulnerable to parasitic diseases. Depending on the case and the preference of the owner, topical and oral medications are available to treat parasitic skin diseases. Cats are often treated with oral medications whereas dogs are often treated with topical therapies.

What are the causes and treatment for hormonal skin diseases?

Hormonal conditions, including those that manifest in hormonal skin diseases, are commonly caused by hypothyroidism otherwise known as the shrinking of thyroid gland tissue. Treatment for hormonal skin diseases vary and include options such as insulin injections, hormone replacements (which can be taken orally) and even surgery, if the hormonal imbalance is caused by a tumour. Either way, hormonal conditions require extended treatment. If you notice your pet exhibiting any of these symptoms, please contact our team immediately so that we can curate the most suitable treatment plan.

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